Wednesday, 6 May 2009

If you can't win the argument....

Apparently there was complete chaos at Sheffield station this morning. East Midlands Trains, who are supposedly still in "negotiation" with the City Council over barriers, decided to turn Sheffield into a closed station and blocked the access route across the footbridge used by many people to get from the Park Hill area to the city centre. The gating scheme has been condemned by councillors and MPs of all parties in the city.

A letter from EMT dated today went to Cllr Ian Auckland, the Council cabinet member with responsibility for transport issues. It says, "As you know, we started to consult our stakeholders about our proposals to install automatic ticket barriers at Sheffield station in early 2008. [....] Unfortunately, and for whatever reason, some stakeholders have remained opposed to this proposal and after more than a year of consultation we are now at an impasse.


"For that reason, and wth regret, from this morning we have started to carry out a rolling programme of revenue protection checks at each end of the station, using our staff [...and...] we will only be able to allow rail ticket holders onto the footbridge."

So there we have it - apparently the "consultation" is not about whether barriers are a good idea or whether there is any sensible and rational justification for them, it's just about minor details. Geraldine Roberts, chair of Residents Against Station Closure, has now written to Jake Kelly, the author of the EMT letter:

Dear Jake

I wonder if you are aware of and or condone the action taken at Sheffield Station this morning? Phone and e-mail messages have been flooding in, the following are samples:
In the week when Lord Adonis has given Sheffield Station top marks for facilities and services, it is appalling that EMT believes it has a mandateto create chaos there in the name of "revenue protection"! A colleague has just reported total chaos at the station this morning:the station was operating as a "closed" station;there were only 4 automatic ticket machines in operation;each had a queue of at least 20 plus huge queues for the staffed booking office which was not fully staffed;

Those without train tickets today had to cross the old bridge to get to the city.I tried to walk past but was prevented from doing so (the officials putting themselves in the way )This does not even meet the suggestions that those crossing without a ticket would have a pass.

People with valid tram tickets were sent away.

You mentioned at the working group meeting in November that if EMT failed to get agreement to the barriers you could resort to "flooding the station with "Heavies" in yellow jackets, to hassle everyone without a ticket". At the time I must admit I thought that this you didn't really mean it and that in fact you would have too much sense to believe that it is really in EMT's best interests to behave in such a manner to the people of Sheffield who are committed to maintaining this vital pedestrian link.

I thought the fact that it it would be an "own goal" from a PR point of view would prevent this type of action being taken, apparently not?

EMT has not submitted documentation to support Listed Building Consent for barriers and the the working group has not met since November 08, so as far as the City is concerned, we are still in discussions with your company. I suggest that you halt this destructive action immediately and let's get back around the table.

Yours sincerely
Geraldine Roberts
Chair- Residents Against Station Closure

With the kind of contempt for customer service exhibited by EMT, how on earth are we supposed to persuade people to use public transport instead of getting into their cars?

Addendum: Sheffield City Council will consider the following motion:

Moved by Cllr Scriven seconded by Cllr Wilson

That this Council: -

(a) is deeply concerned to learn that East Midlands Trains have begun blocking off access through Sheffield Station to non-ticket holders by deploying staff at each end of the Station;

(b) is outraged with the actions of East Midlands Trains who have effectively cut our city in half and ignored the wishes of local people;

(c) notes with disappointment that East Midlands Trains have also outlined that they ‘will continue to work towards installing the barriers’;

(d) welcomes the fact that the Leader of Council has written an urgent e-mail to the Secretary of State for Transport asking him to intervene on this issue;

(e) notes that only the Government can now stop East Midlands Trains blocking off access through Sheffield Station and therefore calls on the Secretary of State for Transport to urgently intervene and withdraw the clause in the franchise which asks for gating to be installed.

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